Thursday, October 7, 2021

Sample discursive essay

Sample discursive essay

sample discursive essay

Smoking Discursive Essay. Discursive Essay The topic of whether or not smoking should be banned or not is discussed worldwide daily. In this essay I will outline the main points and discuss the two parties views of for and against in detail. I will start with the group who want to get smoking banned‚ then the group that want it to continue and then I will give my personal response  · Discursive Essay Format First Paragraph: Introduction. Introduce your topic or subject. Give readers a little information regarding events or a particular situation in your neighborhood or region. List any factors responsible for those events or situation. You may find it helpful to follow the below example: Crime is the most prominent problem Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Discursive Essay | Sample answer 4 innovation and collaboration as a community. Those who oppose traditional capitalist structures may argue that our current leadership structures, particularly those in the workplace, perpetuate structures of inequality without true room for meritocracies to emerge. As such, there is also a compelling argument

Discursive Essay Free Essay Example

Post a Comment. A discursive essay seeks to explain all possible views and positions in sample discursive essay given topic, subject, or issue at hand. You should decide which side you are supporting. This type of essay intends to present both sides of the argument. PURPOSE : to persuade. A point of view and thesis statement are required for both argumentative and discursive essays. We may use the analogy of a court case. Consider the thesis statement as the defence and the antithesis as the prosecution.

There is no point in holding a trial without a verdict. In terms of spoken text, consider your discursive essay as a debate in which both sides are presented. Without a final adjudication, the debate has little purpose. Remember the purpose of an exposition argumentative or discursive is to persuade, if the writer has no clear viewpoint, then it is impossible to persuade the reader.

Telephoning sample discursive essay a better way of communicating with people. STRUCTURE :. Introduction — a short paragraph stating both points of view and a thesis statement. The thesis indicates your point of view. The use depends, like so many other things in life, on the circumstances. Points For — one paragraph giving reasons in favour.

These reasons should be supported by evidence and examples. This will develop the antithesis. Telephoning is ideal if you want immediate action. Finallyfew people would disagree that telephoning is a pleasant way to keep in touch with friends and family. Points Against — one paragraph giving reasons against. This will develop the thesis. On the other handthere can be a number of disadvantages to telephoning.

In the first placesome problems are too complicated to explain on the phone, especially if they involve facts and figures, and it sample discursive essay be clearer if you set them out in a letter. Last but not leasttelephoning, especially long-distance, can be terribly expensive.

Further support and follow a logical argument. The nice sample discursive essay about receiving letters is that you can keep them and re-read them. Conclusion — a brief paragraph stating your point of view thesis based on the reasons and evidence you have given.

To sum upletter writing is far from dead, in my view. Each form of communication has its advantages and disadvantages : the important thing to recognise is which is more appropriate for what you want to say, and to whom.

Some people would argue that the future is bright because modern technology will soon be able to solve most problems in our society. Other people think that modern technology will bring about the destruction of the world. If we consider the recent negative environmental and social trends in the world today it is impossible to be optimistic about the future.

We have made rapid progress, especially in the fields of medicine, communication and transport. For example, sample discursive essay, polio can be eliminated simply by vaccination. This also makes it easier to conduct business in any part of the world. Even in developing countries, many people now own private transport or are able to travel quickly and easily using public transport.

Therefore, it is sometimes claimed that technology will provide mankind with the universal panacea of the future. Howevermodern technology also brings many disadvantages. The effects of this can be seen in the destruction of the ozone layer as well as global warming. In conclusionit is clear that for most people in the world the future is not bright because mankind is destroying the environment through unsustainable development.

Modern technology can solve some problems but without careful planning the future looks bleak, sample discursive essay. Typical discussion topics include statements which you are asked to agree or disagree with e.

and invitations to discuss aspects of a subject. Generally, the important thing is to consider the various aspects of the topic before giving a sample discursive essay opinion. Occasionally, you may be asked directly for a personal opinion e. The structure of a discursive composition should be clear and logical, sample discursive essay.

In the first paragraph, sample discursive essay, introduce the topic and your argument. In the next, deal with one sample discursive essay of the topic. Give supporting evidence in following paragraphs if necessary. After that, consider the opposite point of view. In the final paragraph, sum up your argument and give a balanced personal opinion. USEFUL LANGUAGE TITLE It is usually a statement or a question.

Examples: The mobile phone has made a positive contribution to our lives today Friendships have become more important than family relationships The computer has greatly improved our lives today Are electric cars a replacement for those powered by fossil fuels? Is money the most important thing in life?

In other sample discursive essay en otras palabras, sample discursive essay. On balance, the company has had a successful year. Publicado por Tomeu Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Etiquetas: Essayssample discursive essay, linking wordssample discursive essay, Speakout No comments:. Post a Comment Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.

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How to Write a Good Discursive Essay | HandmadeWriting Blog

sample discursive essay

Discursive Essay Basics. Paragraph 1: Introduction. Introduce the topic. Give some background about the situation in your country/area. Then mention the possible reasons for the situation. Crime is one of the most important issues In the last few years, crime has  · A discursive essay is an academic paper that involves a discussion on a particular topic. It is usually assigned to college students. You may be required to write a paper wherein you have to do one of the following: argue for the issue or against it; present your points of view on both sides; WHAT IS A DISCURSIVE ESSAY? Discursive (adj) [dis-ker-siv]: talking or writing about things that are not highly organized moving from topic to topic without order passing aimlessly from one topic to another SYNONYMS: rambling, digressive, erratic, long-winded Think of discursive as a BLEND of expository and argumentative because it uses elements from both:File Size: 1MB

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