Use this CliffsNotes The Outsiders Book Summary & Study Guide today to ace your next test! Get free homework help on S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. In The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton tells the story of year-old Ponyboy Curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a 1 day ago · Essay as an noun, essay on zulu culture and Silas answers questions marner essay, heroic couplets from an essay on man answers. Research paper topic and bibliography controversial issues topics research paper. Case study tata steel ethics and sustainability Write about a time when you were really frightened essay The Outsiders tells the story of two groups of teenagers whose bitter rivalry stems from socioeconomic differences. However, Hinton suggests, these differences in social class do not necessarily make natural enemies of the two groups, and the greasers and Socs share some things in common
The Outsiders: Themes | SparkNotes
Ponyboy Curtis, the fourteen-year-old narrator, lives with his older brothers Sodapop and Darrysince their parents passed away in a car accident. They are all members of a Greaser gang, meaning they are considered hoods or juvenile delinquents by society. Other than being financially and socially disadvantaged, the Greasers' main problem is getting jumped by the Socs, the rich kids from the West Side. The other members of the Greaser gang are Johnny Cade, Dally Winston, outsiders essay questions, Two-Bit Mathewsand Steve Randle.
One night at the drive-in theater, Ponyboy, Johnny, Two-Bit, and Dally meet Cherry Valance and Marciatwo Soc girls whose boyfriends have left them there.
Ponyboy makes a connection with Cherry because they can both appreciate sunsets; it is a bond that crosses their social boundaries and links their worlds. On outsiders essay questions walk home, Bob Sheldon and Randy Addersonthe girls' boyfriends, accost the group and take the girls home. Later outsiders essay questions night, Ponyboy and Johnny accidentally fall asleep in their favorite vacant lot. Ponyboy runs home, but when Darry scolds him and hits him for the first time, he goes back to find Johnny, outsiders essay questions.
They are jumped by Bob, Randy, and other Socs, and during the fight Johnny stabs and kills Bob to stop him from drowning Ponyboy in a fountain, outsiders essay questions. Panicked, Ponyboy and Johnny find Dally, who they know will help them, outsiders essay questions. He gives them some money and a gun and tells them to get on a train to Windrixville and hide out in a deserted church, outsiders essay questions.
Ponyboy and Johnny stay at the church for about a week, during which time they cut off their long Greaser hair as a disguise and subsist mainly on baloney. Dally comes to meet them eventually, and takes outsiders essay questions out to get burgers.
While they are out, Johnny decides to turn himself in. But when the characters get back to the church, they find it's on fire. A school group had been having a picnic outsiders essay questions, and some children are trapped inside. Ponyboy and Johnny run in and save the children, outsiders essay questions, but Johnny outsiders essay questions caught across the back by a burning piece of timber.
Soda and Darry come to the outsiders essay questions to pick up Ponyboy, and they learn that Dally's arm is burned and Johnny is in critical condition. The boys go home because there is a rumble against the Socs that they need to attend. Ponyboy feels sick, but decides to go to the rumble anyway. Dally escapes from the hospital to fight in the rumble, and the Greasers win.
Dally takes Ponyboy back to the hospital to visit Johnny, who is dying. Before he dies, Johnny tells Ponyboy, "Stay gold," meaning he shouldn't lose the innocence of childhood, outsiders essay questions, and should avoid becoming hardened like Dally.
Dally is extremely emotional after Johnny's death, since he loved Johnny, and runs off. Ponyboy is feeling even sicker, but has to go home and tell the rest of the gang that Johnny is dead.
Dally calls the Curtis house from a payphone to say that he's robbed a grocery store and the cops are chasing him. The whole gang runs to the vacant lot, and sees Dally approaching from the other side, followed by cop cars. Dally pulls out his gun on the cops, and they shoot him, killing him. Ponyboy passes out and is delirious and sick for the rest of the weekend.
He wakes up in bed, and is in denial over Johnny's death. He has to go to court to testify about the events surrounding it, and is acquitted and allowed to continue living with Darry and Soda, rather than being sent to a boys' home. But things are not the same for him; his world is upside-down, and his grades start to slip. Darry confronts Ponyboy and brings up his failing grades, and a huge fight commences outsiders essay questions them.
Soda is upset by all the fighting, and runs out of the house. Darry and Ponyboy find Soda in the vacant lot, and he tells them he can't stand how they fight all the time, since they'll only survive if they stick together, outsiders essay questions. All they have is each other. Darry and Ponyboy hadn't realized their fighting upset Soda so much, and they vow to get along and take care of each other. Outsiders essay questions has to decide what to write about for his semester theme in English class, and he decides to write The Outsiders as a warning to other boys at risk to outsiders essay questions their lives around before it's too late.
The Question and Answer section for The Outsiders is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. why outsiders essay questions wants to be a greaser and a social at the same time? I'm not sure that Ponyboy ever really wants to be a Soc. Initially, Ponyboy admires the Socs having everything given to them like fancy cars and clothes.
Ponyboy also recognizes that the Greasers are more like family than a gang. Pony likes this Why ponyboy wants to be a social and at the same time a graser. Initially, Ponyboy admires all the things that Socs have without working for them. At outsiders essay questions same time Ponyboy is aware that Greasers are family and that is his identity. what is Ponyboy's perspective on these groups socials and greasers?
which does he thinks is better? At first Ponyboy detests all Socs and is rather afraid of them. After he meets Cherry Valance at the drive in, Pony begins to see that Socs also have problems and perhaps share some adolescent worries with Greasers. The Outsiders study guide contains a biography of author S. Hinton, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis, outsiders essay questions.
The Outsiders essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Outsiders written by S. Outsiders essay questions me.
Forgot your password? Buy Study Guide. Study Guide for The Outsiders The Outsiders study guide contains a biography of author S. About The Outsiders The Outsiders Summary The Outsiders Video Character List Glossary Read the Study Guide for The Outsiders…. Essays for The Outsiders The Outsiders essays are academic essays for citation.
Analysis of the American Reality, Possibility, and Dream found in "Nickel and Dimed" and "The Outsiders" Stay Gold, Ponyboy: Historical Models of Childhood in S. Lesson Plan for The Outsiders About the Author Study Objectives Common Core Standards Introduction to The Outsiders Relationship to Other Books Bringing in Technology Notes to the Teacher Related Links The Outsiders Bibliography View the lesson plan for The Outsiders….
Wikipedia Entries for The Outsiders Introduction Plot summary Major characters Controversy Critical reception View Wikipedia Entries for The Outsiders….
The Outsiders Video Summary
, time: 7:42The Outsiders: Important Quotes Explained | SparkNotes

As he lies dying in Chapter 9, Johnny Cade speaks these words to Ponyboy. “Stay gold” is a reference to the Robert Frost poem that Ponyboy recites to Johnny when the two hide out in the Windrixville Church 1 day ago · College admissions essay high school for questions personality development Essay, research papers on retirement planning in india, avoid plagiarism in research paper plastic in the ocean persuasive essay, the outsiders violence essay, good thesis statement examples for analytical essays, narrative in argumentative essay a day i can never forget Use this CliffsNotes The Outsiders Book Summary & Study Guide today to ace your next test! Get free homework help on S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. In The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton tells the story of year-old Ponyboy Curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a
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