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International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: Management and Social Sciences Impact Factor: 6. And on the other hand, managers take organizational decisions based on the employees' performance. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing job satisfaction and the determinants of employee performance, and accordingly reviewing the relationship between them. This study is an interpretivist research that focuses on exploring the influence of job satisfaction on employee performance and vice, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism, the influence of employee performance on dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism satisfaction.
The study also examines the nature of the relationship between these two variables. Dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism study reveals the dual direction of the relationship that composes a cycle cause and effect relationship, so satisfaction leads to performance and performance leads to satisfaction through number of mediating factors.
Successful organizations are those who apply periodic satisfaction and performance measurement tests to track the level of these important variables and set the corrective actions.
Indermun and Bayat stated that many organizations are struggling to be strong competitor to achieve its goals and objectives. Workforce now days are the organizational key success factor, therefore organizations put a lot of thought and effort to discover the Vol, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism. Therefore, organizations are concerned about the relations between employee and the level of satisfaction and considered to be critical issue in relation with organization performance and improvement.
Job satisfaction derives from intrinsic factors that are related to work itself or extrinsic factors which are related to instrumental values Watson, While Aziri mentioned that job satisfaction is under the dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism of many factors such as: The nature of work, salary, advancement opportunities, management, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism, work groups dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism work conditions, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism.
Employee performance is influenced by lots of determinants. Folami et al. Skibba stated that the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is one of the most researched areas in organizational psychology sector.
There are lots of researches tested the impact of job satisfaction on employee performance. Most of them indicated that there is an impact of job satisfaction on employee performance and there is an impact of employee performance on job satisfaction Skibba, But, rarely of them emphasize on whether the impactis direct or indirect.
Accordingly, an explanatory interpretivist study is conducted to capture the reality of the relation between job satisfaction and employee performance in greater details. Numerous secondary data collection sources have been covered to get close understanding of the research subject and to look at previous researchers' work in the same domain. This research paper composed of first, the literature review, where job satisfaction and performance aspects are demonstrated according to other researchers.
Second, the Vol. Third, discussion and findings, where the relationship is examined and the hypothesis are discussed. Finally, the conclusion and recommendations. The definition of Job satisfaction is described by many authors. Some of the most commonly definitions are described in the text below.
Hoppock as cited in Aziri was one of the firsts who brought the term job satisfaction in to attention.
The Feelings could be either positive or negative depending on whether needs are satisfied or not Saiyadain, Armstrong et al. It is crucial to understand dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism recognize the human element in any organization, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism. A successful organization usually sees an average worker as the root source of quality and productivity gains. Satisfied employee is a happy employee and a happy employee is a successful employee.
The importance of job satisfaction specially emerges to surface if had in mind the many negative consequences of job dissatisfaction such a lack of loyalty, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism, increased absenteeism, increase number of accidents etc.
Aziri, Job satisfaction has significant effect on organizational measures, such as customer satisfaction and financial measures. Spector lists three perspectives explaining the importance of assessing job satisfaction. First, the humanitarian perspective, organizations should be aware toward the importance of treating employees fairly and with respect. Therefore, job satisfaction will result in positive behavior and vice versa, dissatisfaction from the work will result in negative behavior of employees.
Third, job satisfaction may serve as indicators of organizational activities. Through job satisfaction evaluation in different organizational units, organizational unit changes that would boost performance could be made Spector, Job satisfaction is under the influence of a series of factors. Spector stated that Job satisfaction facets include: reward such as pay or fringe benefits, coworkers or supervisors, nature of work itself and the organization itself.
Intrinsic factors are derived from achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, growth, and the work itself. Although their Vol.
While the hygiene factors or the extrinsic factors are supervision, working conditions, co- workers, pay, policies and procedures, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism security, status, and personal life. They are not necessarily satisfying, but their absence could cause dissatisfaction Aziri, ; Fugar, Second, the quality of supervision: supervision is the most important determinant of worker attitudes.
Third, success or failure: success obviously creates satisfaction; on the other hand failure will definitely create dissatisfaction. When a person works hard and uses his maximum capabilities to prove to himself and to the others that he is capable, success and have the potential, it will boost his feelings and give him satisfaction.
According to Gupta et al. Employee empowerment refers to the extent to which employees are having the incentive to carry responsibility dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism make decisions without referring to the management Michailova, Flexible work arrangement FWA is another variable that can affect job satisfaction.
FWA can be defined as dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism extent of flexibility about the work timing, work location and how much one works" Chen, Moreover, performance behaviors are "the total set of work related behaviors that the organizations dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism the individual to display" Griffin, Lots of researchers examine two types of individual job performance. First one is the task performance Kappagoda, or the in-role performance University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing,and the other is the contextual performance Kappagoda, or the organizational citizenship behaviors OCBs University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, However, some researchers identified new types of job performance that is going to be defied in the following.
Robbins et al. The first one is task performance which is "performing the duties and responsibilities that contribute to the production of a good or service or to administrative tasks". The second type is citizenship which is the "actions that contribute to the psychological environment of the organization, such as helping others when not required, supporting organizational objectives, and treating co-workers with respect".
While counter-productivity - as negative behaviors - are the "actions that actively damage the organization. Sonnentag et al, dissertation job satisfaction and absenteeism.
Numerous studies have been conducted to differentiate between different aspects of job performance according to Sonnentag et al.
The importance of job satisfaction and performance of the employees is not limited to a particular organization, whilst it is important for any types of organizations in the economy Kappagoda, Working hard is essential for achieving the organizational goals and Vol.
All types of performance are crucial for the organization's interest. Kappagoda studied job satisfaction and its impact on task and contextual performance in the banking sector. He concluded that the job satisfaction and the task performance of the bank staff has a great impact on customer satisfaction and "ultimately they affect to achieve sustainable superior performance" Kappagoda, Also, Paul concluded that because employee are the ones who interact with the customers in day to day basis and curry out the whole operations, their performance surely will maintain customer satisfaction Paul, It is interesting to note that any improvement happens in the individual level would contribute to a transformation in the organizations and community's levels as well.
For example, spreading positive emotions among different elements of the chain or individuals, can transform organizations into more cohesive, more moral and more harmonious social organizations Moccia, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing illustrates the major predictors determinants of job performance as: perceptions of organizational justice and interpersonal relationships, stress, and work attitudes, particularly job satisfaction.
However, Folami et al. So, the managers in the Vol. The existence of several measurement methods indicates the importance of capturing the level and kind of employee performance.
The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance There are lots of researches tested the impact of job satisfaction on employee performance. Most of them indicated that there is an impact of job satisfaction on employee performance since, there is a large impact of the job satisfaction on the motivation of workers, and the level of motivation has an impact on productivity, hence also on performance Aziri, Kappagoda highlighted that the job satisfaction is one of the factors that affects the improvement of the task performance and conceptual performance.
Indermun and Bayat agreed that there is an undeniable correlation between job satisfaction and employee performance. They suggest that psychological and physical rewards have significant impact on job satisfaction. Employee empowerment and work place environment have significant positive relationship to job satisfaction. Therefore, when an employee is given autonomy in business decisions and when he is given favorable and clean environment then his satisfaction level will rise.
According to Awan et al. Job Satisfaction has a great influence on employee performance. Satisfied employees are valuable to their organizations because they perform better and they contribute to the overall goals and success of an organization, unlike dissatisfied employees who considered as a burden for any organization Shmailan, For example, Sonnentag et al.
According to Platis et al.
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