· Animal Testing Pros and Cons. Animal testing is one of those concepts that raise a diverse set of opinions. It is a major component in aiding medicine since the time of early Greek physicians. Medical researchers need to understand health problems before they can develop ways to treat them. Some diseases and health problems involve processes that can only be studied in a living organism/5(29) Animal testing is often disregarded, and when it comes down to it, there’s more harm done. By educating the alternatives about the public, they will see that it’s less costly and more time-efficient · Supporters for animal testing argue that research is justified because it assists in discovering ways to help people and other animals for the future. Surgery on animals has assisted in developing organ transplant and open-heart surgery blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Products - Words | Bartleby
The application of animals to test a large number of products from household compounds and cosmetics to Pharmaceutical products has been considered to be a normal strategy for many years.
Laboratory animals are generally used in three primary fields: biomedical research, product security evaluation and education. Animal Experiments It has been estimated that approximately, 20 million animals are being used for testing and are killed annually; about 15 million of them are used to test for medication and five million for other products. Reports have been generated to indicate that about 10 percent of these animals are not being administered with painkillers.
The supporters of animal rights are pressurizing government agencies to inflict severe regulations on animal research. However, such emerging animal testing pros and cons essay of painful experimentation on animals are coupled with an increasing concern over the cost it would have on the limitation of scientific progress.
Of Cures and Creatures Great and Small. Around the world, animals are utilized to test products ranging from shampoo to new cancer drugs. Each and every medication used by humans is first tested on the animals. Animals were also applied to animal testing pros and cons essay anesthetics to ease human ailments and suffering during surgery. Animal Experiments Currently, questions have been raised about the ethics surround animal testing.
As a result several regulations have been put in place to evaluate and control the animals being used for testing purposes. These regulations hope to ensure that such research is carried out in a humanely and ethical manner. Testing on Animals: A Patient's Perspective Acceptance of such experimentations is subject to a lot of argumentation. As the statistics indicate animal testing is dangerous and harmful, but medical research must continue.
We need to find other testing techniques that are advanced in order to eliminate this harmful process, till then animal testing pros and cons essay we can do is continue with our research. The supporters of animal testing argue that if animal testing is eliminated, that many of the medications and procedures that we currently use today would exist and the development of future treatments would be extremely limited.
They argue that humans have been assisted from the healthcare developments that have been based on the benefits of animal research and testing for many years now.
Supporters for animal testing argue that research is justified because it assists in discovering ways to help people and other animals for the future.
Surgery on animals has assisted in developing organ transplant and open-heart surgery techniques. Animal testing has also assisted in developing vaccines against diseases like rabies, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and TB.
Development of antibiotics, HIV drugs, insulin and cancer treatments depend upon animal tests. They argue that other testing techniques are not advanced enough. Animal Experiments The most radical progress in reproductive medicine such as oral contraceptives, in vitro fertilization, hormone replacement therapy, etc. Alternatives to Animal testing on the Web: FAQs, animal testing pros and cons essay.
Medical procedures like measuring blood pressure, pacemakers and heart and lung machines were used on animals prior to being tried on humans. Surgery techniques, like those to mend and eliminate bone diseases were devised out animal testing pros and cons essay experimentation on the animals.
Animal testing not only benefits humans but also helps other animals, for example the heartworm medication that was devised from research on animals has assisted many dogs. The cat nutrition has been better comprehended through animal research and has assisted cats to live longer and healthier lives. Animal Testing: Why Animals Are Used in Research?
Animal models for AIDS are very important factors that are required to understand the biology of immuno-deficiency viruses in the vivo. This allows us to raise necessary awareness about the processes of pathogenesis and its prevention by vaccination and chemotherapy. Alternatives to Animal testing on the Web: FAQs Those who support animal testing argue that the society has an obligation to take actions in ways that will minimize injury and maximize benefits.
Banning or restraining the experimentation on animals would not allow society to achieve such results. It is assumed that a scientist's goal is to devise methods to minimize pain to every extent possible but for now we have to sacrifice on animals to achieve this result.
Activists against this practice portray scientists to be a society of crazy, cruel, curiosity seekers. However, when one feeds painkillers to animals, one should ask where they came from and what their purpose is.
Is it to. Animal Testing: Pros and Cons. com, 12 Accessed 12, Essay title: Animal Testing: Pros and Cons Animal Testing Introduction The application of animals to test a large animal testing pros and cons essay of products from household compounds and cosmetics to Pharmaceutical products has been considered to be a normal strategy for many years.
Of Cures and Creatures Great and Small Around the world, animals are utilized to test products ranging from shampoo to new cancer drugs. Arguments for testing The supporters of animal testing argue that if animal testing is eliminated, that many of the medications and procedures that we currently use today would exist and the development of future treatments would be extremely limited, animal testing pros and cons essay.
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Why Animals Are Needed in Research
, time: 4:28Animal Testing Pros and Cons - Free Essay Example | blogger.com
Pros and Cons of Animal Testing. Aside from what anyone thinks animal testing does has positives, although some might argue that they don’t outweigh the negatives. Testing on a living organism could be more accurate than a small percentage of alternatives · Animal Testing Pros and Cons. Animal testing is one of those concepts that raise a diverse set of opinions. It is a major component in aiding medicine since the time of early Greek physicians. Medical researchers need to understand health problems before they can develop ways to treat them. Some diseases and health problems involve processes that can only be studied in a living organism/5(29) · Supporters for animal testing argue that research is justified because it assists in discovering ways to help people and other animals for the future. Surgery on animals has assisted in developing organ transplant and open-heart surgery blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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